Home Nail Polish

“ Millions of combinations, meaning you get a totally unique piece of furniture exactly the way you want it.”

Why shop with Sally?

Cruelty free & Vegan

High shine, long-lasting, vegan nail polishes in a range of fashion colours and finishes

Carbon neutral

High shine, long-lasting, vegan nail polishes in a range of fashion colours and finishes

B Corp

High shine, long-lasting, vegan nail polishes in a range of fashion colours and finishes

We give back

High shine, long-lasting, vegan nail polishes in a range of fashion colours and finishes

Hot Deals

We’re fixing nail polish for good.

High shine, long-lasting, vegan nail polishes in a range of fashion colours and finishes

Freshly picked is here!

High shine, long-lasting, vegan nail polishes in a range of fashion colours and finishes

Give us your best shot!

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